Grupo de Gramática del Español


Importancia das linguas menos difundidas e ensinadas: exemplos do euskera e galego

Viola G. MiglioAssociate Professor of Linguistics & Barandiaran Chair of Basque Studies, Spanish & Portuguese Dept., University of California, Santa Barbara

Statistical analysis of, and corpus approaches to, lexicogrammar

Cursos e seminarios

Stefan Th. Gries (Professor of Linguistics, University of California, Santa Barbara)

Salón de Graos da Facultade de Filoloxía Santiago de Compostela, 14-15 de xuño de 2017 de 9:30 a 13:30

This 8-hour workshop is devoted to the corpus-linguistic and corpus-statistical treatment of lexico-grammatical alternations. It will feature an introduction to the idea of the various kinds of collostructional analysis (focusing mostly on simple collexeme and distinctive collexeme analysis) both in terms of their underlying logic and their mathematical computation (and implementation in R); we will apply them to simple example data sets, discuss methodological decisions that need to be made, and briefly address how their results are (best) interpreted. In addition, we will discuss basic aspects of logistic regression modeling, both in terms of how much collostructional analysis can in fact be seen as a simple regression model and in terms of using logistic regressions for alternation data in a wider sense. We will conclude with measuring and incorporating into analyses the matter of dispersion, i.e. how instances of words/constructions are distributed within a corpus and what that means for interpreting corpus statistics.

Inscriciónformulario en liñaOrganización

Esta actividade está organizada polos grupos de investigación Gramática do español e SPERTUS. Proxectos: O estudo da lingua oral: explotación e análise de corpus - ESLORA2 (ref. EFRD, FFI2014-52287-P) e A conversa en inglés contemporáneo. Innovación, creatividade e negociación en contextos nativos e non nativos (ref. EFRD, FFI2015-64057-P / Xunta de Galicia CN/2015/004).

Colabora: SEFORIN (Seminario de Formación e Innovación para Estudantes de Mestrados da Facultade de Filoloxía)

¿Como avaliar a familiaridade con unidades léxicas na área de saúde?


A conferencia foi cancelada. Sentimos as molestias.

Conferenciante: Prof. Natalia Castillo Fadic (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago) Título: ¿Cómo evaluar la familiaridad con unidades léxicas en el área de salud? Propuesta de un instrumento para realizar tests de tamizaje Día e hora: mércores 30 de novembro ás 13:00 Lugar: B13 - Sala de videoconferencias

Seminario sobre Language Regard

Cursos e seminarios

Dennis R. Preston (Regents Professor of Linguistics, Oklahoma State University)

Salón de Graos da Facultade de Filoloxía,Santiago de Compostela, 13-15 de xullo de 2016

Mércores, 13 de xullo
10:00 - 12:00 What is language regard and why do we need a new term when we can already have the perfectly good “language attitudes”? Why study regard? Ethnographic and social psychological reasons seem obvious – applied ones perhaps less so, although the idea that we should do linguistic engineering without knowing what people believe about language seems short-sighted if not naïve. Finally, are there any good reasons within more general linguistic theory and linguistic description that justify it? What sorts of studies and traditions (sociolinguistic, ethnographic, anthropological, ideological, social psychological, folk linguistic, perceptual dialectological, etc…) lie behind it and what have been their principal findings?
Xoves, 14 de xullo
10:00 - 12:00 How to do it What to think about (the “independent variables”) and how they may guide and be guided by research techniques.
  1. Setting
    1. Actual – home, laboratory, etc…
    2. Context – contextualized vs. noncontextualized
  2. Stimulus
    1. Priming – primed vs. non-primed
    2. Presentation – video, written stimulus, pictures, etc…
    3. Size – global vs. specific
    4. Status – stigmatized, prestige, neutral, etc…
    5. Access – direct vs. indirect access to a linguistic stimulus
    6. Authenticity – native vs. imitated
    7. Naturalness – natural vs. (re)synthesized
    8. Presence – an actual linguistic stimulus is provided or not provided
  3. Respondents
    1. Non-targeted vs. targeted
  4. Response
    1. Behavior – respondent activity or task (rate, read, observe, perform, etc…)
    2. Mode – fixed (Likert scale, forced choice, etc…) vs. open-ended (discoursal, eye-tracking, etc…)
    3. Timing – present vs. absent
    4. Awareness – unaware (nonconscious) vs. aware (conscious)
Venres, 15 de xullo
10:00 - 12:00 What are the prospects for future work? New topics New areas and/or groups New opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration New techniques for collection and interpretation etc… And how might the work you do or want to do contribute, use, or fit in?

A asistencia ao seminario é de balde. Porén, os interesados deberán inscribirse mediante un formulario en liña. O prazo de inscrición comeza o día 27 de xuño e estará aberto até o 11 de xullo.


Seminario organizado polo grupo de investigación Gramática do español (proxecto O estudo da lingua oral: explotación e análise de corpus - ESLORA2, ref. FFI2014-52287-P).

Estudantes indíxenas na Universidade Michoacana (México). Crenzas lingüísticas en torno ás linguas orixinarias e o español


Conferenciante: Prof. Araceli Enríquez Ovando (Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo) Título: Estudantes indíxenas na Universidade Michoacana (México). Crenzas lingüísticas en torno ás linguas orixinarias e o español Día e hora: venres 29 de abril ás 12:00 Lugar: aula D10, Facultade de Filoloxía
