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FreeLing Download

FreeLing 2.2 already has the Galician and Portuguese PoS-tagging files developed at ProLNat Group. The development and evaluation of these modules is documented here.

You can get the FreeLing software from its homepage. In this page you can find the development files of FreeLing for Galician and European Portuguese.

After downloading the files, you will need to extract and copy them into the language FreeLing directories (usually /usr/local/share/FreeLing/ followed by gl or pt, or /usr/share/FreeLing if it was installed from a .deb package).


You can download the Galician PoS-tagger files here.

European and Brazilian Portuguese

You can download the European Portuguese PoS-tagger files here.

You can download the Brazilian Portuguese PoS-tagger files here. Since this is not an official version, you must copy the peb.cfg file into the FreeLing config directory (/usr/share/FreeLing/config or /usr/local/share/FreeLing/config).

Dictionary Compilation

The dictionaries supplied by ProLNat Group have been compiled using libdb-4.7. It means that if you are using a different version of this library, you may have to recompile the dicionary. You only should do it if our FreeLing files do not work in your system, giving the following (or similar) error:

DICTIONARY: Error 22 while opening database /usr/share/FreeLing/pt/maco.db

To compile the dictionary, you have to remove maco.db and create a new one by executing:

# indexdict maco.db < dicc.src

in each language directory (gl, pt and peb).

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