Tags of punctuation marks

Finally, the special tags representing punctuation marks are in Table 1.1.

Table 1.1: List of tags representing punctuation marks.
\textexclamdown Faa
, Fc
$[$ Fca
$]$ Fct
: Fd
" Fe
- Fg
/ Fh
\textquestiondown Fia
{ Fla
} Flt
( Fpa
) Fpt
« Fra
» Frt
... Fs
% Ft
; Fx
$+$ Fz
$-$ Fz
$=$ Fz

Tag SENT is used to represent the end of a sentence. Three symbols are asigned the tag SENT: “”, “?” and “!”. A sentence is a string between two SENT tags. Patterns are defined within sentences. Up to know, DepPattern does not allow to define rules involved more than one sentence.