ProLNat group offers to the community a set of software tools with GNU General Public License:
- LinguaKit, a linguistic toolkit (see our demo)
- Conshuga, galician verb conjugator
- DepPattern,
a toolkit to generate dependency parsers
- FreeLing Resources, Lexicons for Galician and Portuguese
- CitiusTagger and CitiusNec, a POS-tagger and Named Entity Recognizer for English, Portuguese, Galician, and Spanish
- CitiusSentiment, a sentiment analyzer (opinion mining) for English, Portuguese, Galician, and Spanish
- RSScrawler, rss crawler and scrapper software to create a corpus from a list of webs and info
- SimpleAggregator, rss aggregator for complete source feeds that generate a corpus
- CorpusPedia, a corpus generator software, which automatically downloads wikipedia database and transforms it into a rich text corpus
- ONTOpedia, a search engine that retrieves basic enciclopedic facts (triplets)
- Other linguistic tools, from Pablo Gamallo web and github projects