Function Unicity

The type of dependency “Head” can also be used to take into account the principle of function unicity. This principle states that a verb only contains one main function: one Subject, one Direct Object, and one Indirect Object. So, the grammar should prevent of applying the corresponding rules more than once. To do it, we propose the following strategy. First, we define the following rule:

Single : VERB

Add: subj:0, dobj:0, iobj:0


This means that every verb is provided with 3 new attribute-value pairs (subj:0, dobj:0, and iobj:0), which represent the fact that a verb these 3 functions have not been found yet. Then, all definitions of rules used to identify these functions should contain the following information:

SubjL : NOUN VERB<subj:0>

Add: subj:1


This rule is applied only if the verb has not another subject. Then, the attribute 'subj' is assigned value 1. Then, this rule cannot be applied again.