Begin and end of sentences

To describe patterns taking into account the first tag of sentences, it will be possible to use the restriction <pos:0>. For instance:

SubjL : PRO<pos:0> VERB


This rule is applied when the subject pronoun is the first element of the sentence (position = 0).

It is also possible to use symbol “ ^ ” to represent a head that has no dependent elements to its left (apart from the dependents inserted in the pattern). For instance:



That means there is only a NOUN or a PRO linked to the verb as a left dependent. There are not other complements or modifiers linked to the verb in the sentence appearing to the left of the nominal subject.

It is also possible to use the attribute “pos” to represent any position of a tag. For instance, <pos:3> represents the forth position of a tag.

Finally, the end of a sentence can be represented by tag SENT. For instance:

SubjR : [PRO<lemma:how>] [ADJ<lemma:old>] VERB<lemma:be> NOUN|PRO SENT<lemma:?>


This rule represents the reverted subject relation within a interrogative sentence such as “how old are you?”.